Friday, February 27, 2009

serious about pickling

I am revisiting the idea of pickling my dining table. I am still seeing whitewashed and limed oak furniture, and have begun some more serious research on the processes themselves.

My second hand trestle style dining table.

For starters, I have yet to identify what type of wood my table is. I'd like to think I am not totally ignorant to the main differences of wood species, but I am stumped. It seems too soft to oak, but too hard to be pine. I am certain that its not mahogany or cherry, but could it be fir or beech? It is definitely not maple. I'll have to ask my father-in-law over for coffee soon, I think he could ID it if pressed.

Any ideas as to what type of wood this is?

I would like to get this settled before I choose a finish, as each technique performs differently depending on the wood type. Also, which process is easiest? Truth be told, I don't want to half-ass this one, but I am not looking for a serious upper body work out either.

Briwax sells their liming wax for only $15 online.

WhateverI choose, I will most likely need to strip the original finish off first. This is a step I am not looking forward to. I may even need to do some sanding and use a little wood-fill here and there. This table has seen better days and also has a couple of warped areas. The surface seems thirsty to absorb any drop of liquid- it tends to favor oily salad dressing and red wine. The grain has even taken on a glamorous sheen, thanks to the glitter from this year's artsy Christmas cards.

I defintiely have plenty of time to really plan this out, as it will be a stinky, outdoor project. I just wanted to get it in writing so you guys can hold me to it. Plus, I thought maybe someone out there has done it, and could offer some advice. Remember how pretty Pottery Barn's Shelton series was? I think my table has the potential to really come into its own with a similar finish.

Pottery Barn's Shelton dining table (may no longer be available).