Saturday, October 4, 2008

inspiring natural elements...

Beautiful fall branches are a nice, natural way to add fall flair indoors.
Better Homes and Gardens.

It really feels like fall out here in the pacific northwest. We had our first official fall storm today: blowing rain, high winds, downed branches and even power outages. Its days like these that I am inspired to stay inside, drink tea, read magazines and listen to classical music. Today, however, I was busily running errands- to my own annoyance.

I finally sat down at five and started diving into my fall decorating magazines. Just a quick browse through them, and I am telling you, I am so inspired. I want to nest more than any woman has wanted to nest before me. I want to freshen my decor for the season; bringing natural elements indoors, layering patterned fabrics and adding texture, texture, texture! Suddenly, I am second guessing every coat of paint I have applied to my mismatched furniture over the years. Why did I do it? Why didn't I just leave them in their naturally beautiful, woody state? Ahh, I must forever be a busy decorator, that is why. I can't leave well enough alone; it goes against my very nature.

Speaking of nature, my focus for seasonal decorating this fall is going to be on pumpkins, gourds, branches, and the like. I must begin foraging for these elements, and stock up before all of the best ones get picked! I'll let you know when I've squirrelled away my stash, and share some of my fall decor tricks.

For now, here are some of the best images I found in my favorite magazines and on their websites.

Interesting embellishment for pumpkins: upholstery nail heads.
Cottage Living.

A simple assembly of tiny pumpkins and flowers on a pretty platter.
Better Homes and Gardens.

I love the twinkling and understated beauty of this carving technique.
Sunset Magazine.

A dressy buffet accessorized with natural branches and loaded with festive food exemplifies the best that fall has to offer. Domino Magazine.

I hope that you are as inspired as I am to turn indoors and get really, really cozy!