Monday, January 18, 2010

what's on etsy

I heart etsy. I wish that I had the time to create things to sell on etsy. For now, I will just ogle what others have the dedication and talent to craft. This is what I saw today. All of these handmade items come at great prices, and offer fun ways to liven up your interiors.

From Soap Studiooos in Brooklyn, the "Chair Pillow". An instant, cheeky punch for any bench or perhaps a desk chair... for just $35 plus shipping.

Mostly because in my new apartment, I am not allowed to paint the walls, I am drawn to the idea of the increasingly popular wall decal. Styleywalls has really sweet, but simple designs to choose from, and any of them would look great on my ginormous, blank living room wall.
Love Birds on Branch with Leaves $44.00.

I usually don't like candles that are pretending to be anything but candles, but look how cute these "Mad Men" inspired candles by Soy Chic Candles are. They are poured into cocktail glasses, and I have to admit, it would really add some sparkle to the bar during a martini party. Vodka on the rocks anyone? Only $8.

Lucy Snowe Photography had some beautiful color photography. Great compositions and interesting use of filters. I LOVE this Bird at the Beach print. Its small at 8x8, and its $25. I wish it was like 18x24, because I have the perfect frame for it!

I am looking forward to discovering more great accessories on etsy to decorate my new place with. I've got some specific art work and organizational items on am on the prowl for, and will let you know when I find them!

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